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Günümüzde mühendislik problemlerinin çözümünde makine ve mekanizmaların çalıştığı ortamların mekanik sistemlere etkisi oldukça büyüktür ve önemli bir yere sahiptir. Modern makine ve mekanizmaların tasarlanmasında ve mekanik hareketinin incelenmesinde hız, ivme, konum analizleri ve mukavemet hesaplamalarının yapılmasında mekanizmanın çalıştığı ortamın etkisinin dikkate alınması doğru ve gerçekçi sonuçlar elde edilmesi açısından önemlidir. Bu sebeple, bu tez çalışmasında tek serbestlik derecesine sahip mukavemetli ortamda çalışan karmaşık bir mekanizmanın mekanik hareketinin incelenmesi ele alınmıştır. Lagrange metodu, virtüel iş prensibi ve sistemin kinetik enerjisinin değişmesi teoremi kullanılarak, mukavemetli ortamda çalışan mekanizmanın hareket denklemi üç farklı yöntem ile elde edilerek doğrulanmıştır. Sistemdeki iç ve dış reaksiyon kuvvetleri sistemin momentumunun değişmesi teoremi ile bulunmuştur. Elde edilen hareket denklemleri, ortamın direnç mukavemeti ihmal olunan durumu ve ortamın direnç mukavemeti ihmal olmayan viskoz durum için çözülerek sistemin serbest ve zorlanmış titreşim cevapları elde edilmiştir. Titreşim analizi Matlab yazılımında 0.01 zaman aralığı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak mukavemetli ortamın sistemin titreşim cevabına etkisinin incelenebileceği bir model oluşturulmuş ve analizleri yapılmıştır. Mukavemetli ortamın viskozitesine göre sönümleme kabiliyetinin değiştiği ve mukavemetli ortamın bir damper görevi gördüğü tespit edilmiştir. ?
Nowadays, the effect of the environments in which machines and mechanisms operate on mechanical systems is quite large and has an important place in solving engineering problems. In the design of modern machines and mechanisms and in the study of mechanical movement, it is important to take into account the effect of the environment in which the mechanism operates in speed, acceleration, position analysis and strength calculations in order to obtain accurate and realistic results. For this reason, in this thesis, the examination of the mechanical motion of a single degree of freedom complex mechanism operating in a robust environment is discussed. By using the Lagrange method, the virtual work principle and the theorem of variation of the kinetic energy of the system, the equation of motion of the mechanism operating in a robust environment is obtained by three different methods. The internal and external reaction forces in the system are found by the change of momentum theorem of the system. Free and forced vibration responses of the system are obtained by solving the obtained equations of motion for the case of neglected resistive strength and not neglected resistive strength. Vibration analysis is performed in MATLAB software using 0.01 time interval. As a result, a model in which the effect of the robust environment on the vibration response of the system can be examined is created and analyzed. It has been determined that the damping ability of the resistant environment changes according to the viscosity and the resistant environment acts as a damper."
Nowadays, the effect of the environments in which machines and mechanisms operate on mechanical systems is quite large and has an important place in solving engineering problems. In the design of modern machines and mechanisms and in the study of mechanical movement, it is important to take into account the effect of the environment in which the mechanism operates in speed, acceleration, position analysis and strength calculations in order to obtain accurate and realistic results. For this reason, in this thesis, the examination of the mechanical motion of a single degree of freedom complex mechanism operating in a robust environment is discussed. By using the Lagrange method, the virtual work principle and the theorem of variation of the kinetic energy of the system, the equation of motion of the mechanism operating in a robust environment is obtained by three different methods. The internal and external reaction forces in the system are found by the change of momentum theorem of the system. Free and forced vibration responses of the system are obtained by solving the obtained equations of motion for the case of neglected resistive strength and not neglected resistive strength. Vibration analysis is performed in MATLAB software using 0.01 time interval. As a result, a model in which the effect of the robust environment on the vibration response of the system can be examined is created and analyzed. It has been determined that the damping ability of the resistant environment changes according to the viscosity and the resistant environment acts as a damper."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Lagrange metodu, Kinematik, Hareket denklemi, Viskozite, Doğal frekans, Virtüel iş., Langrange method, Kinematics, Equation of motion, Viscosity, Natural frequency, Virtual work