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Günümüz teknolojisinde birçok tesis için artan ihtiyaçları karşılamak amacıyla insan gücünün yetersiz kaldığı yerlerde makineleşmenin gücü ortaya çıkmıştır. Konveyör sistemleri ile tesislerde malzemenin bir noktadan diğer bir noktaya taşınması zaman, mesafe ve kapasite yönüyle çok daha kolay hale gelmiştir. Bantlı konveyörler, malzeme taşımada güvenilir ve maliyet açısından da avantajlı bir sistem olduğundan kullanılan bandın kalitesinin itina ile seçilmesi gerekmektedir. Zamanla bantta meydana gelen yıpranma ve aşınmaların, tesiste duruş süresini uzatmamak adına çabuk ve etkili bir şekilde tamir edilmesi ve tespit edilen küçük bir hasarın daha büyük sıkıntılara yol açmaması için derhal onarım yapılması önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, vulkanize kaynak yöntemi ile yapılan bant birleştirmelerinde bant dayanımına etki eden parametrelerden biri olan vulkanizasyon süresi ele alınmıştır. Sürenin, mukavemete olan etkisi incelenerek bant ek yerlerinin ömrünü uzatmak amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada, bantlı konveyörlerin genel özellikleri, bantlı konveyör çeşitleri, bant yapısı ve özellikleri, vulkanizasyon tanımı, vulkanize kaynak yöntemi ile birleştirme işlem adımları ve farklı sürelerde uygulanan vulkanizasyonun etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılan deney çalışmalarından bahsedilmiştir. Deney sonuçlarına göre, vulkanizasyon süresinin bant mukavemetine olumlu yönde etki ettiği gözlemlenmiş ve kullanılan kaynak makinesinin de bandın tesiste daha hızlı kullanıma dönmesi açısından zamandan tasarruf sağladığı görülmüştür.
In today's technology, the power of mechanization has emerged in places where human power is insufficient in order to meet the increasing needs for many facilities. The transportation of material from one point to another point in the facilities has become much easier in terms of time, distance and capacity with conveyor systems. Since belt conveyors are a reliable and cost-effective system for transporting materials, it is necessary to carefully select the quality of the belt used. It is important to repair the wear and tear that occurs on the tape over time quickly and effectively in order not to prolong the downtime at the facility, and to repair immediately so that a minor damage detected does not lead to greater problems. In this study, the vulcanization time, which is one of the parameters affecting the belt strength in the belt splices made by vulcanized splices method, is discussed. The effect of duration on strength was examined and it was aimed to extend the life of the belt splices. In the study, general characteristics of belt conveyors, types of belt conveyors, belt structure and properties, definition of vulcanization, vulcanization splices method and joining process steps and experimental studies conducted to study the effect of vulcanization applied at different times were mentioned. According to the experimental results, it has been observed that the vulcanization time has a positive effect the belt strength and it has been seen that the splices machine used saves time in terms of returning the belt to use faster in the facility."
In today's technology, the power of mechanization has emerged in places where human power is insufficient in order to meet the increasing needs for many facilities. The transportation of material from one point to another point in the facilities has become much easier in terms of time, distance and capacity with conveyor systems. Since belt conveyors are a reliable and cost-effective system for transporting materials, it is necessary to carefully select the quality of the belt used. It is important to repair the wear and tear that occurs on the tape over time quickly and effectively in order not to prolong the downtime at the facility, and to repair immediately so that a minor damage detected does not lead to greater problems. In this study, the vulcanization time, which is one of the parameters affecting the belt strength in the belt splices made by vulcanized splices method, is discussed. The effect of duration on strength was examined and it was aimed to extend the life of the belt splices. In the study, general characteristics of belt conveyors, types of belt conveyors, belt structure and properties, definition of vulcanization, vulcanization splices method and joining process steps and experimental studies conducted to study the effect of vulcanization applied at different times were mentioned. According to the experimental results, it has been observed that the vulcanization time has a positive effect the belt strength and it has been seen that the splices machine used saves time in terms of returning the belt to use faster in the facility."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Vulkanizasyon, bantlı konveyör, mukavemet, kaynak, Vulcanization, belt conveyor, strength, splices