Türkmen Şair Seydi'nin Goşgıları (Metin, Transkripsiyon, Morfoloji)
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Türkmen Türkçesi; Türkiye Türkçesi, Azerbaycan Türkçesi ve Gagavuz Türkçesi ile birlikte Güney-Batı Oğuz grubunda yer alır. Türkmenistan genel Türk tarihinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Günümüz Türkmenlerinin kökeni Asya ve Ortadoğu?da güçlü bir devlet kurmuş Büyük Selçuklu Devleti'ne dayanır. Türkmenler Cengiz ve Timur İmparatorluğu?nun egemenliği altında yaşamıştır. Merkezi otoritenin kaybedilmesi üzerine ülkede çeşitli Hanlıklar ortaya çıkmıştır. Hanlıkların birlik olamaması başta İran ve Rusya olmak üzere Türkmenlerle savaşan diğer milletlere yaramıştır. Bir müddet Ruslara karşı direnen ve yer yer başarılar kazanan Türkmenler 93 Harbinden sonra Osmanlıları yenen, maneviyatlarını tazeleyen ve ateş üstünlüğü olan Rusların üstünlüğünü kabul etmek zorunda kalmışlardır. Türkmenistan'ın ulusal şairlerinden Mahdumkulu şiirlerinde Nadir Şah?ın zulmünü ülkenin talan edilişini, insanların öldürülüşünü dile getirmiştir. Mahdumkulu, Zelili, Kemine ve Seydî gibi halk şairleri Türkmenlerin bağımsızlıkları için çalışmış, şiirleriyle Türkmenleri yüreklendirmekle kalmamış bizzat savaşlara iştirak etmişlerdir. Hatta Seydî milis komutanlığı yaparak önemli muharebelere girişmiş, esir düşmüş, işkenceler görmüştür. Şiirlerinden iyi bir eğitim aldığı anlaşılan Seydî, Türkmencenin bir dil olarak ortaya çıkmasında büyük bir rol oynayan Mahdumkulu?nun izinden gitmiş, Türkmenceye önemli katkılar yapmıştır. XIX. asırda bir yazı dili olarak ortaya çıkan Türkmence XX. asırda önce Arap alfabesinden Latin alfabesine sonra Kiril alfabesine geçmiştir. En önemli eserlerini dil ve imla tartışmalarının sıklıkla yaşandığı bu yıllarda vermiştir. Bu çalışmada, Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi?nin Hüseyin Kazım Kataloğu?na ?Seydî?nin ?oş?ıları? adıyla konan; 1920?li yıllarda basılmış, bir nüshasının transkripsiyonlu metni yapılmış, ?oş?ılar morfolojik açıdan incelenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkmenler, Türkmen Türkçesi, Seydî, Morfoloji
The Turkoman language is in the South-West Oghuz language group with Turkey Turkish, Azerbaijani Turkish and Gagauz Turkish. Turkmenistan is considered having a great importance in General Turkish History. Turkomans descend from the Seljuk Sultanate which was a powerful empire based in Asia and Middle East. Turkomans had lived under the rule of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane Empires. As a result of the authority lack, the country divided to various Khanates. These Khanates hadn?t been able to collaborate, thus it benefited the belligerent nations especially Iran and Russia. Turkomans resisted and partly overcame for a while. However, after the 93 War when the Russians defeated Ottomans, they had accepted Russian hegemony. Mahdumkulu, the national poet of Turkmenistan, uttered the tyranny of Nadir Şah, the pillage from the country, the death of people. National poets such as Mahdumkulu, Zelili, Kemine and Seydî, worked for the independence of Turkmenistan. They gave courage to Turkomans and they even fought at wars. Moreover, Seydî had been a militia commander and fought in crucial battles, was taken prisoner and had been under torment. As understood from his poems Seydî had had a decent education. He followed the path of Mahtumkulu who had a vital role on the issue of Turkoman language, and made great contributions to Turkoman language. In 19th century Turkoman language had its own script, in 20th century firstly Arabic and finally Cyrillic scripts were used. He wrote his most important literary works in those years, when arguments about language and orthography were excessively common. In this article, a text with transcription was made from ?Seydînin ?oş?ıları? which had been uttered by Seydî and had rewritten in 1920?s when Turkoman language had begun to make great developments, from the copy in Süleymaniye Library Hüseyin Kazım Catalogue with the name ?Seydînin ?oş?ıları?. And ?oş?ıları was analyzed morphologically. Key Words: Turkomans, Turkoman Language, Seydî, Morphology
The Turkoman language is in the South-West Oghuz language group with Turkey Turkish, Azerbaijani Turkish and Gagauz Turkish. Turkmenistan is considered having a great importance in General Turkish History. Turkomans descend from the Seljuk Sultanate which was a powerful empire based in Asia and Middle East. Turkomans had lived under the rule of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane Empires. As a result of the authority lack, the country divided to various Khanates. These Khanates hadn?t been able to collaborate, thus it benefited the belligerent nations especially Iran and Russia. Turkomans resisted and partly overcame for a while. However, after the 93 War when the Russians defeated Ottomans, they had accepted Russian hegemony. Mahdumkulu, the national poet of Turkmenistan, uttered the tyranny of Nadir Şah, the pillage from the country, the death of people. National poets such as Mahdumkulu, Zelili, Kemine and Seydî, worked for the independence of Turkmenistan. They gave courage to Turkomans and they even fought at wars. Moreover, Seydî had been a militia commander and fought in crucial battles, was taken prisoner and had been under torment. As understood from his poems Seydî had had a decent education. He followed the path of Mahtumkulu who had a vital role on the issue of Turkoman language, and made great contributions to Turkoman language. In 19th century Turkoman language had its own script, in 20th century firstly Arabic and finally Cyrillic scripts were used. He wrote his most important literary works in those years, when arguments about language and orthography were excessively common. In this article, a text with transcription was made from ?Seydînin ?oş?ıları? which had been uttered by Seydî and had rewritten in 1920?s when Turkoman language had begun to make great developments, from the copy in Süleymaniye Library Hüseyin Kazım Catalogue with the name ?Seydînin ?oş?ıları?. And ?oş?ıları was analyzed morphologically. Key Words: Turkomans, Turkoman Language, Seydî, Morphology
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yeni Türk Dili Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature