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Bu çalışmada, %3 > Mg içeriğine sahip 5083 Al alaşımının termomekanik işlem uygulaması ile mekanik özelliklerinde gerçekleşen değişimler incelenmiştir. 5083 Al alaşımı ile %1,2 Bizmut ilaveli yeni tip 5083Al-Bi alaşımları bu çalışmada kullanılarak alaşımlandırmanın eksileri ve artıları yorumlanmıştır.Deney parametreleri ; 500 C de homojenleştirme ve 150 C de normal yaşlandırma ve 2 şekilde uygulanmış termomekanik işlemlerdir.Aşınma direnci,aşınma hızı ve sütünme katsayılarını belirlemek için hem kuru hemde korozif ortamda aşınma yapılmıştır.Korozyon mekanizmaları ise %3,5 NaCl içerisinde Daldırma ve potansiyodinamik polarizasyon yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. Yapılan sertlik testleri sonucunda, en düşük sertlik değerleri homojenleştirilmiş mazlemeden alınırken onu artan sertlik değerleriyle sırasıyla yaşlandırılmış ve Termomekanik işlem 2 uygulanmış malzeme takip etmektedir. Korozyon testleri sonucunda en dirençli malzeme yaşlandırılmış 5083 Al alaşımı iken ,korozyona karşı hassasiyeti en yüksek termomekanik işlem uygulanmış malzemedir.
In this study, the changes in the mechanical properties of 5083 Al alloy with 3%>Mg content were investigated with the application of thermomechanical treatment. The advantages and disadvantages of alloying were interpreted by using 5083 Al alloy and new type 5083Al-Bi alloys with 1.2% bismuth addition in this study. Homogenization at 500 C, normal aging at 150 C and thermomechanical processes applied in 2 ways. Abrasion was carried out in both dry and corrosive environments to determine wear resistance wear rate and shear coefficients. Corrosion mechanisms were determined by immersion in 3.5% NaCl and potentiodynamic polarization method, as a result of the hardness tests, the lowest hardness values are obtained from the homogenized material, followed by the aged and Thermomechanical process 2 applied material with increasing hardness values, respectively. As a result of corrosion tests, the most resistant material is the aged 5083 Al alloy, while the material with the highest corrosion sensitivity is the material that has been applied thermomechanical treatment."
In this study, the changes in the mechanical properties of 5083 Al alloy with 3%>Mg content were investigated with the application of thermomechanical treatment. The advantages and disadvantages of alloying were interpreted by using 5083 Al alloy and new type 5083Al-Bi alloys with 1.2% bismuth addition in this study. Homogenization at 500 C, normal aging at 150 C and thermomechanical processes applied in 2 ways. Abrasion was carried out in both dry and corrosive environments to determine wear resistance wear rate and shear coefficients. Corrosion mechanisms were determined by immersion in 3.5% NaCl and potentiodynamic polarization method, as a result of the hardness tests, the lowest hardness values are obtained from the homogenized material, followed by the aged and Thermomechanical process 2 applied material with increasing hardness values, respectively. As a result of corrosion tests, the most resistant material is the aged 5083 Al alloy, while the material with the highest corrosion sensitivity is the material that has been applied thermomechanical treatment."
Anahtar Kelimeler
AA5083, aging, corrosive wear, corrosion, microstructure and mechanical properties., AA5083, yaşlandırma, korozif aşınma, korozyon, mikroyapı ve mekanik özellikler.