Nepotizm ve iş tatmini arasındaki ilişki ve Safranbolu konaklama işletmelerinde bir araştırma
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Karabük Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kayırmacılık kavramı' nesnel kriterlerden ziyade genel olarak öznel kriterlerin dikkate alındığı bir durumu ifade etmektedir. Bu kavram çok uzun süredir tartışılan bir yönetim sorunudur. Kayırmacılığın bir alt başlığı olan "nepotizm" ise 'akraba kayırmacılığı' olarak literatürde yerini almıştır. Nepotizm, genellikle olumsuz olarak algılanan bir kavramdır. Buna bağlı olarak yapılan literatür çalışmalarında nepotizmin, iş tatmini üzerinde negatif bir etkisi olduğu görülmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasının amacı konaklama işletmeleri çalışanlarının nepotizm algısı ile iş tatmin düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi tespit etmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Karabük ilinin Safranbolu ilçesinde bulunan konaklama işletmelerinde çalışan 134 iş gören üzerinde anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Nepotizmin boyutları olan "terfi, işlem ve işe alma sürecinde kayırmacılık" ile iş tatminin boyutları olan "işin yapısından, yönetimden ve yükselme olanaklarından, ücretten ve iş arkadaşlarından tatmin" ile ilişkisi belirlenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda oluşturulan hipotezler, SPSS programı ile Korelâsyon analizi yapılarak test edilmiştir. İş görenlerin demografik özelliklerini belirlemek için frekans analizi yapılmıştır. Bu tez çalışmasında ölçeklerin yapı geçerliliğini test etmek amacıyla faktör analizi, normallik analizi ve güvenilirlik analizi yapılmıştır. Sonuç itibariyle; nepotizm ile iş tatmini arasında bazı boyutlar arasında negatif bir ilişki bulunurken bazı boyutlar için istatistikî olarak herhangi bir ilişki bulunmamıştır. Sonuç olarak elde edilen bulgular gösteriyor ki konaklama işletme yöneticilerinin ve sonraki araştırmacıların bu boyutları dikkate alması gerekiyor. Anahtar Sözcükler : Kayırmacılık, Nepotizm, İş tatmini, Konaklama İşletmesi
The concept of Favoritism' expresses a situation in which subjective criteria are generally considered rather than objective criteria. This concept is a management issue that has been discussed for a very long time. "Nepotism", which is a sub-title of Favoritism, has taken its place in the literature as 'Relative Favoritism ' Nepotism is a concept that is often perceived as negative. Therefore, it is seen that nepotism has a negative effect on job satisfaction in literature studies. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the relationship between the nepotism perceptions and job satisfaction levels of the accommodation businesses employees. In accordance with this purpose, Survey study was carried out on 134 employees who work in accommodation businesses located in Safranbolu District of Karabuk province. It has been determined the relationship between nepotism dimensions "which favoring in the process of promotion, processing and recruitment" and the job satisfaction dimensions "which satisfaction from work structure, management and promotion possibilities, wage and work friends". In this direction, the created hypotheses were tested by correlational analysis with the SPSS program. A frequency analysis was carried out to determine the demographic characteristics of the workers. In this thesis study, factor analysis, normality analysis and reliability analysis were applied in order to test the construct validity of the scales. As a result; researching the relationship between nepotism and job satisfaction, while it was found a negative relationship between some dimensions, statistically no relationship was found for some dimensions. Finally the findings show that Accommodation business managers and further researchers have to take these dimensions into account. Key Words : Favoritism, Nepotism, Job Satisfaction, Accommodation Businesses.
The concept of Favoritism' expresses a situation in which subjective criteria are generally considered rather than objective criteria. This concept is a management issue that has been discussed for a very long time. "Nepotism", which is a sub-title of Favoritism, has taken its place in the literature as 'Relative Favoritism ' Nepotism is a concept that is often perceived as negative. Therefore, it is seen that nepotism has a negative effect on job satisfaction in literature studies. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the relationship between the nepotism perceptions and job satisfaction levels of the accommodation businesses employees. In accordance with this purpose, Survey study was carried out on 134 employees who work in accommodation businesses located in Safranbolu District of Karabuk province. It has been determined the relationship between nepotism dimensions "which favoring in the process of promotion, processing and recruitment" and the job satisfaction dimensions "which satisfaction from work structure, management and promotion possibilities, wage and work friends". In this direction, the created hypotheses were tested by correlational analysis with the SPSS program. A frequency analysis was carried out to determine the demographic characteristics of the workers. In this thesis study, factor analysis, normality analysis and reliability analysis were applied in order to test the construct validity of the scales. As a result; researching the relationship between nepotism and job satisfaction, while it was found a negative relationship between some dimensions, statistically no relationship was found for some dimensions. Finally the findings show that Accommodation business managers and further researchers have to take these dimensions into account. Key Words : Favoritism, Nepotism, Job Satisfaction, Accommodation Businesses.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
İşletme, Business Administration