Avnî / Tuhfetü’l-Hükkâm(Bağlamlı Dizin ve İşlevsel Sözlük)
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Türkler, İslamiyet’i 9. ve 10. yüzyıllarda kabul etmişlerdir ve bu kabul edişin izleri edebiyatımızda 11. yüzyılda ortaya çıkmıştır. İslam dininin etkisi ile Arapça ve Farsça kelimeler edebiyatımıza girmiştir. Daha sonraki dönemlerde yazılan gazeller, kasideler, mesneviler incelendiğinde dili oldukça sade olan yani öz Türkçe ile yazılmış eserlerin yanında dili ağır, anlaşılması güç kelime ve anlamlar içeren eserler de göze çarpmaktadır. Bunun sebebi yukarıda da bahsi geçtiği üzere Arapça ve Farsça kelimelerin varlığıdır. Eserlerin dilinin ağırlaşmasına sebep olan bu durum hem okuyucuların hem bu alanda çalışma yapacak olan araştırmacıların işini zorlaştırmaktadır. Bu yüzden geçmiş dönemlerde yazılmış ve bugün artık anlaşılması zor olan metinleri günümüz Türkçesi ile anlamlandırmak biraz zaman alacağından okuyucuların işini biraz daha kolaylaştırmak için eski ile yeni arasında köprü mahiyetinde TEBDİZ projesi hayata geçirilmiştir. Bu proje kapsamında ilk çalışma 2007 yılında yapılmıştır. Açılımı “Türk Edebiyatı Bağlamlı Dizin ve İşlevsel Sözlük” olan bu proje ile beraber Türk dilinde yazılmış eserlerdeki sözcükler hangi anlamlarda kullanıldığı ortaya konulmaktadır. Bu durum okuyucu için çok büyük fayda sağlamaktadır. Çünkü bu çalışma ile hem şairler hem de şairlerin üslupları hakkında bilgi edinilebilmekte; aynı zamanda eserde yer alan kelime, kelime grubu, nazım şekilleri ve türleri, ek-kök ayrımı, ayet, hadis, deyim, atasözü gibi ifadelere ulaşılabilmektedir. Buradan hareketle tez çalışmasında Avnî’nin Tuhfetü’l-Hükkâm eseri üzerinde inceleme yapılmıştır. “Hakimlere Armağan” anlamına gelen bu eser mesnevi nazım şeklinde yazılmıştır. 1197 beyitten oluşmaktadır. Bu beyitlerin her biri tek tek incelenip kelimelerin anlamları sıralanmıştır. Kelimeler anlamlandırıldıktan sonra her kelime için ek-kök ayrımı yapılmıştır. Bu alanda yapılacak olan her çalışma bir sonraki çalışma için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Böylelikle kelimeler hızlı şekilde anlamlandırılacak ve metin daha anlaşılır hale gelecektir. Bu da edebiyatımız için önemlidir. ?
Turks accepted Islam in the 9th and 10th centuries, and traces of this acceptance appeared in our literature in the 11th century. With the influence of Islam, Arabic and Persian words entered our literature. When the ghazals, odes and masnavis written in later periods are examined, along with the works whose language is quite simple, that is, written in pure Turkish, also the works whose language is heavy and contain difficult to understand words and meanings stand out. The reason for this, as mentioned above, is the existence of Arabic and Persian words. This situation, which causes the language of the works to become heavier, makes the work difficult for both readers and researchers who will work in this field. Therefore, since it will take some time to make sense of the texts written in the past and which are difficult to understand today in today's Turkish, the TEBDIZ project has been implemented as a bridge between the old and the new to make the readers' job a little easier. The first study was conducted in 2007. With this project, which stands for ""Turkish Literature Contextual Index and Functional Dictionary"", the meanings of the words in works written in Turkish are revealed. This provides great benefit for the reader. Because with this study, information can be obtained about both poets and their styles; At the same time, expressions such as words, word groups, verse forms and types, suffix-root distinction, verses, hadiths, idioms and proverbs in the work can be accessed. Starting from this point, in the thesis study, Avnî's work Tuhfetü'l-Hükkam was examined. This work, which means ""A Gift to Judges"", was written in mesnevi verse form. It consists of 1197 couplets. Each of these couplets is examined one by one and the meanings of the words are listed. After the words were given meaning, suffix-root distinction was made for each word. Each study to be carried out in this field is of great importance for the next study. In this way, words will be quickly interpreted and the text will become more understandable. This is also important for our literature."
Turks accepted Islam in the 9th and 10th centuries, and traces of this acceptance appeared in our literature in the 11th century. With the influence of Islam, Arabic and Persian words entered our literature. When the ghazals, odes and masnavis written in later periods are examined, along with the works whose language is quite simple, that is, written in pure Turkish, also the works whose language is heavy and contain difficult to understand words and meanings stand out. The reason for this, as mentioned above, is the existence of Arabic and Persian words. This situation, which causes the language of the works to become heavier, makes the work difficult for both readers and researchers who will work in this field. Therefore, since it will take some time to make sense of the texts written in the past and which are difficult to understand today in today's Turkish, the TEBDIZ project has been implemented as a bridge between the old and the new to make the readers' job a little easier. The first study was conducted in 2007. With this project, which stands for ""Turkish Literature Contextual Index and Functional Dictionary"", the meanings of the words in works written in Turkish are revealed. This provides great benefit for the reader. Because with this study, information can be obtained about both poets and their styles; At the same time, expressions such as words, word groups, verse forms and types, suffix-root distinction, verses, hadiths, idioms and proverbs in the work can be accessed. Starting from this point, in the thesis study, Avnî's work Tuhfetü'l-Hükkam was examined. This work, which means ""A Gift to Judges"", was written in mesnevi verse form. It consists of 1197 couplets. Each of these couplets is examined one by one and the meanings of the words are listed. After the words were given meaning, suffix-root distinction was made for each word. Each study to be carried out in this field is of great importance for the next study. In this way, words will be quickly interpreted and the text will become more understandable. This is also important for our literature."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tuhfetü’l-Hükkâm, TEBDİZ, Dizin, sözlük., Tuhfetü'l-Hükkâm, TEBDİZ, Directory, Dictionary.