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Bu çalışmada, Eriyik Yığma Modelleme (FDM) yöntemi kullanılarak üretilen tungsten, bakır ve bronz takviyeli polilaktik asit (PLA) kompozitlerin mekanik özellikleri deneysel ve istatistiksel olarak araştırılmıştır. Takviyeli ve takviyesiz PLA numunelerin performans özellikleri, çekme dayanımı, yüzey pürüzlülüğü, ağırlık, eğme dayanımı ve yorulma dayanımı bakımından karakterize edilmiştir. Baskı deneylerinin tasarımında Taguchi L16 dizini kullanılmıştır. Baskı parametresi olarak doluluk oranı, doldurma hızı, katman kalınlığı ve nozul çapı seçilmiştir. Baskı parametrelerinin optimum seviyelerini belirlemek ve çıktı parametrelerini matematiksel olarak modellemek için sırasıyla S/N gürültü, varyans (ANOVA) ve regrasyon analizleri uygulanmıştır. S/N gürültü analiz sonuçlarına göre çekme dayanımı için baskı parametrelerinin optimum seviyeleri takviyesiz PLA filament, %100 doluluk oranı, 60 mm/s doldurma hızı 0,4 mm katman kalınlığı ve 0,6 mm nozul çapı olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu parametreler kullanılarak üretilen numuneler üzerinde gerçekleştirilen çekme testinde çekme dayanımı 53,25 MPa olarak ölçülmüştür. Maximum çekme dayanımının elde edildiği numuneler eğme ve yorulma testlerine tabi tutulmuştur. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları bakır, bronz ve tungsten takviyeli PLA numunelere göre takviyesiz PLA numunenin çekme dayanımı değerinin sırasıyla %75,22, %99,81 ve %33,62 daha yüksek olduğunu ve ayrıca takviyesiz PLA numunenin takviyeli PLA numunelere göre eğilme ve yorulma dayanımının daha yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir. Yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve numunelerin ağırlığı bakımından elde edilen sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde, en düşük yüzey pürüzlülüğü değeri bronz takviyeli PLA numunede 0,545 µm olarak en düşük ağırlık değeri ise takviyesiz PLA numune de 5,005 g olarak elde edilmiştir.
In this study, the mechanical properties of tungsten, copper, and bronze reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) composites produced using the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) method were experimentally and statistically investigated. The performance properties of reinforced and unreinforced PLA specimens were characterized in terms of tensile strength, surface roughness, weight, flexural strength and fatigue strength. Taguchi L16 index was used to design the printing experiments. Filling rate, filling speed, layer thickness and nozzle diameter were selected as printing parameters. S/N noise, variance (ANOVA) and regression analyses were applied to determine the optimum levels of the printing parameters and to mathematically model the output parameters, respectively. According to the results of S/N noise analysis, the optimum levels of printing parameters for tensile strength were determined as unreinforced PLA filament, 100% filling rate, 60 mm/s filling speed, 0.4 mm layer thickness and 0.6 mm nozzle diameter. In the tensile test performed on the specimens produced using these parameters, the tensile strength was measured as 53.25 MPa. The samples in which maximum tensile strength was obtained were subjected to flexural and fatigue tests. The results of this study show that the tensile strength value of the unreinforced PLA specimen is 75.22, 99.81 and 33.62% higher than the copper, bronze and tungsten reinforced PLA specimens, respectively, and also the flexural and fatigue strength of the unreinforced PLA specimen is higher than the reinforced PLA specimens. When the results obtained in terms of surface roughness and weight of the samples were evaluated, the lowest surface roughness value was obtained as 0.545 µm in the bronze-reinforced PLA sample, and the lowest weight value was obtained as 5.005 g in the unreinforced PLA sample."
In this study, the mechanical properties of tungsten, copper, and bronze reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) composites produced using the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) method were experimentally and statistically investigated. The performance properties of reinforced and unreinforced PLA specimens were characterized in terms of tensile strength, surface roughness, weight, flexural strength and fatigue strength. Taguchi L16 index was used to design the printing experiments. Filling rate, filling speed, layer thickness and nozzle diameter were selected as printing parameters. S/N noise, variance (ANOVA) and regression analyses were applied to determine the optimum levels of the printing parameters and to mathematically model the output parameters, respectively. According to the results of S/N noise analysis, the optimum levels of printing parameters for tensile strength were determined as unreinforced PLA filament, 100% filling rate, 60 mm/s filling speed, 0.4 mm layer thickness and 0.6 mm nozzle diameter. In the tensile test performed on the specimens produced using these parameters, the tensile strength was measured as 53.25 MPa. The samples in which maximum tensile strength was obtained were subjected to flexural and fatigue tests. The results of this study show that the tensile strength value of the unreinforced PLA specimen is 75.22, 99.81 and 33.62% higher than the copper, bronze and tungsten reinforced PLA specimens, respectively, and also the flexural and fatigue strength of the unreinforced PLA specimen is higher than the reinforced PLA specimens. When the results obtained in terms of surface roughness and weight of the samples were evaluated, the lowest surface roughness value was obtained as 0.545 µm in the bronze-reinforced PLA sample, and the lowest weight value was obtained as 5.005 g in the unreinforced PLA sample."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hızlı Prototipleme, PLA, Mekanik Özellikler, Yüzey Kalitesi, Optimizasyon., Rapid Prototyping, PLA, Mechanical Properties, Surface quality, Optimization