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Oksi-yakıt yanma teknolojisi kömür yakıtlı enerji santrallerinde karbondioksit emisyonlarının azaltılması için fosil yakıtların temiz kullanımını sağlayabilecek umut vaat eden bir teknolojidir. Dolaşımlı akışkan yataklı (DAY) kazanlar, oksi-yakıt yanma tasarımını başarıyla kullanabilen güç üretim teknolojilerinden biridir. Bu çalışmada, 550 MWnet güç üreten ve % 90 CO2 yakalama oranına sahip ticari ölçekli bir oksi-yakıt yanma dolaşımlı akışkan yataklı (oksi-DAY) santralin tekno-ekonomik fizibilite analizi yapılmıştır. Oksi-pulverize sistem enerji santrallerinin ekonomik analizi birçok raporda incelenmiştir. Fakat, oksi-DAY sistem enerji santralleri maliyeti hakkında çok fazla çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışma, yeni kurulumu planlanan bir oksi-DAY karbon yakalama tesisi ekonomik analizi için ilk kez bir Türk linyiti (Orhaneli kömürü) kullanmıştır. Ekonomik performans göstergeleri, maliyet ölçeklendirme ve İndirgenmiş Nakit Akışı analizi yöntemleri ile bulunmuştur. Temel olarak üç durum analiz edilmiştir. İlk durumda, bir baz senaryo (CO2 yakalama ünitesi olmayan hava ateşlemeli DAY tesisi) tasarlanmış, bu temel senaryoya dayanarak diğer durumlar modellenmiştir. Böylece, klasik hava ateşlemeli DAY sisteminden CO2 yakalama ve sıkıştırma üniteli oksi-DAY sistemine geçişin ekonomik uygulanabilirliği değerlendirilmiştir. Yanma sonrası monoetanolamin (MEA) bazlı CO2 yakalama sistemi, oksi-DAY CO2 yakalama sistemi performansını karşılaştırmak için bir kıyaslama çalışması olarak incelenmiştir. Elektrik maliyeti (COE), indirgenmiş elektrik maliyeti (LCOE) ve CO2 yakalama maliyeti gibi ana uygulanabilirlik parametreleri hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, klasik hava ateşlemeli DAY tesisi ile karşılaştırıldığında, oksi-DAY tesisi toplam tesis maliyeti ve COE açısından sırasıyla % 54 ve % 52'lik bir artış göstermektedir. Amerikan Enerji Bakanlığı (DOE)'nın SC-PC sistemler için belirlediği COE hedef değeri göz önüne alındığında, tasarlanan oksi-DAY enerji santrali COE değeri hava ile çalışan hedef SC-PC COE değerinden % 45 fazladır. Tasarlanan Oksi-DAY tesisi için verimlilik cezası % 10'dur. Oksi-DAY tesisi, amin bazlı CO2 yakalama sisteminden % 2 puan daha yüksek net verimliliğe sahiptir. Amin bazlı sistemde; sermaye maliyeti, LCOE ve CO2 yakalama maliyeti oksi-DAY tesisinden daha yüksektir. Sonuçlar, oksi-DAY enerji santralinin, amin bazlı yakalama tesisine kıyasla karbon tutma maliyetlerinin daha düşük olduğunu göstermektedir. Farklı parametrelerdeki değişikliklerin genel sistem performansını nasıl değiştireceğini belirlemek için duyarlılık analizi yapılmıştır. Duyarlılık analizi, tesis kapasitesi, kömür fiyatı, borç oranı, faiz oranı ve inşaat süresi gibi çeşitli parametrelerin değiştirilmesiyle değerlendirilmiştir.
Oxy-fuel combustion is a promising technology for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, in coal-fired power plants that allow the clean use of fossil fuels. Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers are one of the power generation technologies that can use oxy-fuel combustion design successfully. The purpose of this paper is to perform the techno-economic feasibility analysis of the commercial-scale oxy-fuel combustion circulating fluidized bed (oxy-CFB) power plant generating 550 MWe net power with a carbon capture rate of 90%. So far, economic analysis of oxy-PC power plants has been studied by researchers at many reports. Nevertheless, the cost of an oxy-CFB power plant has rarely been studied. This is the first study that has used Turkish lignite (Orhaneli Coal) in an oxy-CFB carbon capture plant economic analysis. The basic economic performance indicators were investigated. The Models are based on cost scaling and Discounted Cash Flow analysis. Three cases were analyzed: In the first case, A base scenario (air-fired CFB plant without CO2 capture) is considered and then based on this baseline scenario the other scenarios are taken into account. The economic viability of transition from the classical air-fired CFB plant system to oxy-CFB with CO2 capture and compression plant is evaluated. The post-combustion monoethanolamine (MEA) based CO2 capture system is investigated as a benchmark study to compare oxy-CFB capture system performances. The main applicability parameters such as cost of electricity (COE), levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and the cost of CO2 capture for each case are calculated. The obtained results indicated that 54% and 52% increase in terms of total plant cost and COE respectively in the oxy-CFB plant when compared to air fired-CFB without carbon capture. Considering the COE, the designed oxy-CFB power plant is greater than the air-fired SC-PC (without capture) plant by more than 45% (DOE target). The efficiency penalty for oxy-CFB is 10%. Oxy-CFB plant has a net efficiency 2% point higher than amine-based CO2 capture systems. In amine-based CO2 capture system; The capital costs, LCOE, and cost of CO2 captured are higher than the oxy-CFB plant. The results show that the oxy-CFB power plant has a lower cost for carbon capture compared to amine-based capture plant. Sensitivity analysis was performed to determine how changes in different parameters can change overall system performance. Sensitivity analysis was evaluated by changing various parameters such as facility capacity, coal price, debt ratio, interest rate and construction period."
Oxy-fuel combustion is a promising technology for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, in coal-fired power plants that allow the clean use of fossil fuels. Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers are one of the power generation technologies that can use oxy-fuel combustion design successfully. The purpose of this paper is to perform the techno-economic feasibility analysis of the commercial-scale oxy-fuel combustion circulating fluidized bed (oxy-CFB) power plant generating 550 MWe net power with a carbon capture rate of 90%. So far, economic analysis of oxy-PC power plants has been studied by researchers at many reports. Nevertheless, the cost of an oxy-CFB power plant has rarely been studied. This is the first study that has used Turkish lignite (Orhaneli Coal) in an oxy-CFB carbon capture plant economic analysis. The basic economic performance indicators were investigated. The Models are based on cost scaling and Discounted Cash Flow analysis. Three cases were analyzed: In the first case, A base scenario (air-fired CFB plant without CO2 capture) is considered and then based on this baseline scenario the other scenarios are taken into account. The economic viability of transition from the classical air-fired CFB plant system to oxy-CFB with CO2 capture and compression plant is evaluated. The post-combustion monoethanolamine (MEA) based CO2 capture system is investigated as a benchmark study to compare oxy-CFB capture system performances. The main applicability parameters such as cost of electricity (COE), levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and the cost of CO2 capture for each case are calculated. The obtained results indicated that 54% and 52% increase in terms of total plant cost and COE respectively in the oxy-CFB plant when compared to air fired-CFB without carbon capture. Considering the COE, the designed oxy-CFB power plant is greater than the air-fired SC-PC (without capture) plant by more than 45% (DOE target). The efficiency penalty for oxy-CFB is 10%. Oxy-CFB plant has a net efficiency 2% point higher than amine-based CO2 capture systems. In amine-based CO2 capture system; The capital costs, LCOE, and cost of CO2 captured are higher than the oxy-CFB plant. The results show that the oxy-CFB power plant has a lower cost for carbon capture compared to amine-based capture plant. Sensitivity analysis was performed to determine how changes in different parameters can change overall system performance. Sensitivity analysis was evaluated by changing various parameters such as facility capacity, coal price, debt ratio, interest rate and construction period."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Oxy-fuel combustion, Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB), CO2 capture, LCOE, techno-economic analysis, Oksi-yakıt yanma, Dolaşımlı akışkan yatak (DAY), CO2 tutulumu, Seviyelendirilmiş elektrik maliyeti (LCOE), Tekno-ekonomik analiz