Farklı özellikteki malzemelerin tozaltı ark kaynak yöntemi ile birleştirilmesi ve birleştirmelerin tahribatlı ve tahribatsız muayenesi
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Karabük Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, düşük alaşımlı, ince taneli, yüksek mukavemetli X60, X65 ve X70 çelikleri, tozaltı ark kaynak yöntemi ile farklı tel ve tozlar kullanılarak birleştirilmiştir. Kaynaklı birleştirmeler, öncelikle tahribatsız muayene yöntemlerinden ultrasonik ve radyografik muayeneye tabi tutulmuşlardır. Kaynaklı birleştirmelerin dayanımları ise çekme testi, eğme testi, çentik darbe testi ve sertlik deneyi yapılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Kaynaklı bölgede tel-toz-ana malzeme kompozisyonlarını belirlemek için, kaynaklı birleştirmeler üzerinde spektral analiz çalışmaları yapılmış ayrıca, kaynak bölgesinin makro/mikroyapı çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir.Kaynaklı numuneler üzerinde yapılan ultrasonik ve radyografik muayeneler sonucunda, kaynak bölgesinde herhangi bir kaynak hatasına rastlanılmamıştır. Yapılan çekme testleri sonucunda, tüm numunelerde kopma, ana malzemeden gerçekleşmiş ve bütün bağlantı dayanımları, ana malzemelerden daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Eğme testleri sonucunda, göz ile yapılan muayenede herhangi bir çatlak, yırtık vb. hata görülmemiştir. Çentik darbe test sonuçlarına göre, S2Mo teli ve P223 tozu ile birleştirilen numuneler, S1 teli ve LN 761 tozu kullanılan birleştirmelere göre daha iyi tokluk dayanımına sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Yapılan sertlik testleri sonucunda, en yüksek sertlik değerleri kaynak metalinden ölçülürken onu sırasıyla ITAB ve ana malzeme takip etmektedir. Deney sonuçları genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde, X70 malzemede kullanılan, S2Mo teli ve P223 tozu en verimli mekanik test sonuçları vermiştir.
In this study, low alloyed, fine grained, high strength X60, X65 and X70 steels were joined with Submerged Arc Welding by using different type of welding fluxes and wires. Initially, the joints were subjected to ultrasonic and radiographic inspection methods. Their mechanical properties were determined by tensile test, impact toughness test and hardness test. To determine the welding wire?welding metal and workpiece compositions on the joints, spectral analyses were carried out and macro and microstructural studies of the joints were performed.As a result of the ultrasonic and radiographic inspection, it was observed that there were no weld defects on joints. As a result of tensile tests, all the welded tensile test pieces ruptured from base material and the tensile strengths of all the joints were higher than those of the base materials. After bending test, there were not any cracks or defects on specimens. According to impact toughness test results, the joints obtained by using S2Mo welding wire and P223 welding flux had better impact toughness value than the joints obtained by S1 welding wire and LN 761 welding flux. With respect to hardness test, the highest hardness value was measured on weld metal and this was followed by heat affected zone and the base material. Generally, the joint obtained by X70 material, S2Mo and P223 welding flux had the highest mechanical property.
In this study, low alloyed, fine grained, high strength X60, X65 and X70 steels were joined with Submerged Arc Welding by using different type of welding fluxes and wires. Initially, the joints were subjected to ultrasonic and radiographic inspection methods. Their mechanical properties were determined by tensile test, impact toughness test and hardness test. To determine the welding wire?welding metal and workpiece compositions on the joints, spectral analyses were carried out and macro and microstructural studies of the joints were performed.As a result of the ultrasonic and radiographic inspection, it was observed that there were no weld defects on joints. As a result of tensile tests, all the welded tensile test pieces ruptured from base material and the tensile strengths of all the joints were higher than those of the base materials. After bending test, there were not any cracks or defects on specimens. According to impact toughness test results, the joints obtained by using S2Mo welding wire and P223 welding flux had better impact toughness value than the joints obtained by S1 welding wire and LN 761 welding flux. With respect to hardness test, the highest hardness value was measured on weld metal and this was followed by heat affected zone and the base material. Generally, the joint obtained by X70 material, S2Mo and P223 welding flux had the highest mechanical property.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Metal Eğitimi Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Teknik Eğitim, Technical Education