Bio-properties of Mg-RE alloys: an applied study on cytotoxicity and genotoxicity

dc.contributor.authorDjebari, Kenza
dc.contributor.authorTuren, Yunus
dc.contributor.authorElen, Levent
dc.contributor.authorAhlatci, Hayrettin
dc.contributor.authorBozer, Busra Moran
dc.contributor.authorCicek, Bunyamin
dc.departmentKarabük Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractThis study presents a comprehensive review of magnesium alloys with rare elements. It discusses Mg-RE alloys and includes an experimental process. Thus, the data obtained by examining Mg-RE alloys provided a better interpretation of the experimental study. In this study's investigation report, Mg-RE alloys were thoroughly analyzed. In the experimental part, the cytotoxic and genotoxic results of the rare elements added to the Mg-Zn-RE master alloy are discussed. Experiments were carried out by adding Nd and Ce to this master alloy in inverse proportions. In cytotoxic data, it was observed that the viability rate in bacteria increased by up to 200%. In addition, significant genotoxic results of Mg-RE alloys were obtained, which are uncommon in the literature. As a result, a new perspective on Mg-RE alloys has been created. Cette & eacute;tude pr & eacute;sente un examen complet des alliages de magn & eacute;sium contenant des & eacute;l & eacute;ments rares. Elle discute des alliages Mg-ER et comprend un proc & eacute;d & eacute; exp & eacute;rimental. Ainsi, les donn & eacute;es obtenues en examinant les alliages Mg-ER ont fourni une meilleure interpr & eacute;tation de l'& eacute;tude exp & eacute;rimentale. Dans le rapport d'investigation de cette & eacute;tude, on a analys & eacute; & agrave; fond les alliages Mg-ER. Dans la partie exp & eacute;rimentale, on discute des r & eacute;sultats cytotoxiques et g & eacute;notoxiques des & eacute;l & eacute;ments rares ajout & eacute;s & agrave; l'alliage m & egrave;re Mg-Zn-ER. On a r & eacute;alis & eacute; des exp & eacute;riences en ajoutant du Nd et du Ce & agrave; cet alliage m & egrave;re en proportions inverses. Dans les donn & eacute;es cytotoxiques, on a observ & eacute; que le taux de viabilit & eacute; des bact & eacute;ries a augment & eacute; jusqu'& agrave; 200%. De plus, on a obtenu des r & eacute;sultats g & eacute;notoxiques significatifs des alliages Mg-ER, qui sont peu communs dans la litt & eacute;rature. Par cons & eacute;quent, on a cr & eacute;& eacute; une nouvelle perspective sur les alliages Mg-ER.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipScientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [222M438]en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThe Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) has supported this study through the 1002 Rapid Support-A project code 222M438.en_US
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Scienceen_US
dc.publisherTaylor & Francis Ltden_US
dc.relation.ispartofCanadian Metallurgical Quarterlyen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectMg-RE alloysen_US
dc.subjectrare elementsen_US
dc.titleBio-properties of Mg-RE alloys: an applied study on cytotoxicity and genotoxicityen_US
