Kuzey Libya'da Sicaklik Ve Yağiş Verilerinin Trend Analizi
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Trend analizi, uzun vadede iklim değişikliğini tespit etmek için önemli iklim istatistik uygulamalarından biridir. İklim elemanlarının zaman serileri içerisindeki değişikliklerini ve eğilimlerini belirlemek iklimin nasıl değiştiği üzerine bir fikir verebilir. Zaman serileri içerisindeki iklim değişkenliklerinin iklim parametrelerinde artış ya da azalış eğilimi göstermesi, mevcut durumu tespit etmek kadar gelecek ile ilgili öngörü yapılabilmesine de yardımcı olmaktadır. Araştırmanın kapsamını; “Kuzey Libya'da Sıcaklık ve Yağış Verilerinin Trend Analizi” oluşturmaktadır. Tezin amacını ise, araştırmaya dâhil edilen istasyonların (Agdabia, Bingazi, Derna, Misurata, Sirte, Tobruk, Trablus, Zwara, Ghadames, Ghariat, Hon, Jaghboub, Jalo, Alfataiah, Nalut ve Shahat) sıcaklık ve yağış verilerini değerlendirerek mevcut trendin eğilimlerini, boyutunu ve şiddetini belirlemek meydana getirmekedir. Karma araştırma modelinin kullanıldığı bu çalışmanın verileri Trablus’da bulunan Libya Ulusal Meteoroloji Merkezi İklim ve İklim Değişikliği biriminden elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde tablolar, grafikler ve şekiller oluşturmak için Microsoft Excel 2007, harita yapımı ve analizi için Arc GIS 10.4 programı, Trend analizi ve diğer istatistiksel işlemleri gerçekleştirmek için SPSS 23 programı kullanılmıştır. Sıcaklık ve yağış arasındaki farkı belirlemek için Kruskal-Wallis H testi uygulandıktan sonra korelasyon analizi için Spearman Rho yöntemi kullanılarak korelasyon belirlenmiştir. 40 yıllık sıcaklık ve yağış verilerinin trend analizi için eğilim yönleri Mann-Kendall, Spearman Rho, Sen testi, sıcaklıklar için basit doğrusal regresyon analizi ile belirlenmiştir. Maksimum sıcaklıklarda, ilkbahar mevsiminde ve yaz aylarında çoğu istasyonda ve sonbaharda Sirte, Agdabia, Jalove Hon istasyonlarında çalışma alanının batı istasyonlarında ısınma olduğu görülmektedir. Kış mevsiminde maksimum sıcaklıklarda önemli eğilimler göstermemiştir. Bununla birlikte, maksimum sıcaklıkların genel ortalama sıcaklıkları, batıdaki Green Mountain ve Zwara istasyonu yakınlarındaki istasyonlar hariç tüm istasyonlarda ısınmayı göstermiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda minimum sıcaklıklarda, Shahat istasyonu hariç, yaz aylarında tüm istasyonlarda ısınma olduğu görülmektedir. İlkbaharda, tüm çöl istasyonları ısınma eğilimlerini gösterirken, sonbahar mevsiminde tüm istasyonlar Nalut, Ghadames ve Shahat gibi yükseltisi fazla olan istasyonlar dışında ısınma eğilimi göstermemektedir. Kış mevsimi, Jagboub, Alfataiah ve Agdabia istasyonlarında ısınmaya yönelik eğilimler göstermekte; yıllık ortalamada ise Jaghboub, Alfataiah ve Zwara gibi bazı stasyonlar ısınma eğilimleri göstermiştir. Ortalama sıcaklıklarda, çoğu istasyon her mevsim özellikle (1998-2001) arasında ısınma eğilimi göstermiştir. Isınma eğilimi, Trablus, Misurata, Bingazi gibi büyük nüfus merkezlerinin yakınında bulunan istasyonlarda ve Agdabia, Tobruk ve Sirte gibi petrol rafinerilerinin yakınında bulunan istasyonlarda görülmektedir. Zwara, Trablus ve Tobruk istasyonları gibi bazı istasyonlar, yıllık yağış ortalamasında azalma eğilimleri gösterirken, diğer tüm istasyonların yağışında önemli bir eğilim göstermemiştir. Kuzey Atlantik Salınımının göstergeleri (pozitif ve negatif) ile sonbahar mevsimindeki artış eğilimleri arasında en önemlisi (-3.18) değeri ile Eylül 1993'te olan ilişkiler bulunmaktadır ve onun etkisi AL-FATAIAH, JAGHBOUB, JALO, TRİPOLİ ve DERNA gibi çeşitli istasyonlara ulaşmıştır. El Nino ve La Nino salınımları bölgedeki sıcaklık trendlerini ve yağışları etkilemiştir. 1982-1983 yıllarında El Niño etkisi (çok güçlü), DERNA istasyonundaki en düşük sıcaklıklara ve ZWARA ve JALO istasyonlarındaki maksimum sıcaklıklara neden olurken, la Niño salınımı NALUT, SHAHAT, JAGHBOUB, TOBRUK, DERNA, JALO ve JAGHBOUB gibi bazı istasyonlarda yağış trendlerini etkilemiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre Libya’daki iklim değişikliğinin olumsuz etkilerini ortadan kaldırmak veya azaltmak için düşük yağış ve artan sıcaklıkları etkileyen bazı tedbirler alınmalıdır. Bu tedbirlerin en önemlisi, su kaynakları yönetimi için planlar yapılmalı ve uygulanmalıdır.
The trend analysis is one of the important climate studies for detecting climate change in the short and long term. Climate change trend analysis can provide information on how climate has evolved to determine the changes and trends in climate elements over time. The importance of climate trend analysis studies is to estimate the risks of future climate changes based on current data and to try to avoid drought and lack of water resources by establishing sound scientific plans based on the results of these studies. The scope of the research subject entitled “Trend Analysis of Temperatures and Precipitation data in Northern part of Libya” extends to analysis of 16 meteorological stations, 8 of which are coastal stations, which are Agdabia, Benghazi, Derna, Misurata, Sirte, Tobruk, Tripoli, Zwara. And 5 of them are desert stations, which are Ghadames, Ghariat, Hon, Jaghboub, Jalo, and 3 mountain stations are Alfataiah, NALUT and SHAHAT. In order to perform trend analysis, the data must be at least 30 years old. The data for current analysis in most of the stations comprises of 40 years, from 1971 to 2010, except for Alfataiah Station (1981-2010) and Tobruk Station (1984-2010).The necessary data comprising 40-year continuous data were collected from Libyan National Meteorological center climate & climate Change, Tripoli. Microsoft Excel 2007 and IBM SPSS 23 program were used to organize the climate and other data and to create tables, graphs and figures for the data. Arc GIS 10.4 (Geography Information System) program was used to make the maps. Trend Analysis and Windows software and IBM SPSS 23 program were used to perform trends and other statistical analyzes. Descriptive statistics of the data were made in the statistical methods used within the scope of the study, Kolmogorov- Smirnov test for made normality distributions, and the data were not distributed normally. After the Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to determine the difference between the temperature and Precipitation, the correlation was determined using the Spearman Rho method for correlation analysis. For the trend analysis of 40-year temperature and precipitation data, trends directions were determined by Mann-Kendall, Spearman Rho, Sen test, Simple Linear Regression Analysis for temperatures. In maximum temperatures, it is observed that there are warming at western stations of the study area during the spring season and in most stations in the summer, and Sirte, Agdabia, Jalo and Hon stations in autumn. The winter season showed no significant trends in the maximum temperatures. However, the general average temperatures of the maximum temperatures have shown warming in all stations except for stations near Green Mountain and Zwara station in the west. In minimum temperatures, it is observed that there are warming at all stations in summer, except for Shahat station. In spring, while in the autumn season, all stations showed warming except for stations located on a high elevation, such as Nalut, Ghadames and Shahat. The winter season has shown trends towards warming at stations of Jagboub, Alfataiah, and Agdabia, as for the annual average, it showed trends towards warming in some situations, such as Jaghboub, Alfataiah and Zwara. In average temperatures, most stations showed a tendency to warming. There were relationships between the indicators of the North Atlantic Oscillation (positive and negative) and the increase trends in the autumn season in several years the most important of which was in September 1993 with the value (-3.18) and its impact reached several stations such as Al-FATAIAH, JAGHBOUB, JALO, TRIPOLI and DERNA in increasing and decreasing trends in temperatures and precipitation in deferent years. The El Nino and La Nino phenomenon influenced temperature trends and precipitation in the region. The El Niño effect (very strong) in the 1982-1983 season caused the lowest temperatures in DERNA station and the maximum temperatures in ZWARA and JALO stations while the phenomenon of La Niño affected the trends of precipitation in some stations such as NALUT, SHAHAT, JAGHBOUB, TOBRUK, DERNA, JALO, and JAGHBOUB.Based on results of this study, appropriate plans and policies can be established to address current and future climate conditions, by which areas threatened by drought and water shortages can be identified."
The trend analysis is one of the important climate studies for detecting climate change in the short and long term. Climate change trend analysis can provide information on how climate has evolved to determine the changes and trends in climate elements over time. The importance of climate trend analysis studies is to estimate the risks of future climate changes based on current data and to try to avoid drought and lack of water resources by establishing sound scientific plans based on the results of these studies. The scope of the research subject entitled “Trend Analysis of Temperatures and Precipitation data in Northern part of Libya” extends to analysis of 16 meteorological stations, 8 of which are coastal stations, which are Agdabia, Benghazi, Derna, Misurata, Sirte, Tobruk, Tripoli, Zwara. And 5 of them are desert stations, which are Ghadames, Ghariat, Hon, Jaghboub, Jalo, and 3 mountain stations are Alfataiah, NALUT and SHAHAT. In order to perform trend analysis, the data must be at least 30 years old. The data for current analysis in most of the stations comprises of 40 years, from 1971 to 2010, except for Alfataiah Station (1981-2010) and Tobruk Station (1984-2010).The necessary data comprising 40-year continuous data were collected from Libyan National Meteorological center climate & climate Change, Tripoli. Microsoft Excel 2007 and IBM SPSS 23 program were used to organize the climate and other data and to create tables, graphs and figures for the data. Arc GIS 10.4 (Geography Information System) program was used to make the maps. Trend Analysis and Windows software and IBM SPSS 23 program were used to perform trends and other statistical analyzes. Descriptive statistics of the data were made in the statistical methods used within the scope of the study, Kolmogorov- Smirnov test for made normality distributions, and the data were not distributed normally. After the Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to determine the difference between the temperature and Precipitation, the correlation was determined using the Spearman Rho method for correlation analysis. For the trend analysis of 40-year temperature and precipitation data, trends directions were determined by Mann-Kendall, Spearman Rho, Sen test, Simple Linear Regression Analysis for temperatures. In maximum temperatures, it is observed that there are warming at western stations of the study area during the spring season and in most stations in the summer, and Sirte, Agdabia, Jalo and Hon stations in autumn. The winter season showed no significant trends in the maximum temperatures. However, the general average temperatures of the maximum temperatures have shown warming in all stations except for stations near Green Mountain and Zwara station in the west. In minimum temperatures, it is observed that there are warming at all stations in summer, except for Shahat station. In spring, while in the autumn season, all stations showed warming except for stations located on a high elevation, such as Nalut, Ghadames and Shahat. The winter season has shown trends towards warming at stations of Jagboub, Alfataiah, and Agdabia, as for the annual average, it showed trends towards warming in some situations, such as Jaghboub, Alfataiah and Zwara. In average temperatures, most stations showed a tendency to warming. There were relationships between the indicators of the North Atlantic Oscillation (positive and negative) and the increase trends in the autumn season in several years the most important of which was in September 1993 with the value (-3.18) and its impact reached several stations such as Al-FATAIAH, JAGHBOUB, JALO, TRIPOLI and DERNA in increasing and decreasing trends in temperatures and precipitation in deferent years. The El Nino and La Nino phenomenon influenced temperature trends and precipitation in the region. The El Niño effect (very strong) in the 1982-1983 season caused the lowest temperatures in DERNA station and the maximum temperatures in ZWARA and JALO stations while the phenomenon of La Niño affected the trends of precipitation in some stations such as NALUT, SHAHAT, JAGHBOUB, TOBRUK, DERNA, JALO, and JAGHBOUB.Based on results of this study, appropriate plans and policies can be established to address current and future climate conditions, by which areas threatened by drought and water shortages can be identified."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Climatology, Temperature, Precipitation, Trend, Northern Part of Libya., Klimatoloji, Sıcaklık, Yağış, Trend analizi, Kuzey Libya.